Essex Hauntings


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Here we have some strange and mysterious facts about Colchester the great town we all love.

Nurse in Old Fashioned Uniform

Location: Colchester; Military Hospital
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: World War II
Further comments: A nurse wearing a Victorian uniform was seen by several people walking down a corridor, vanishing once she had reached the end. One of the patients was convinced that she had helped change his dirty bandages.



Location: Colchester; Holly Trees Museum, rear windows
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: Late twentieth century
Further comments: Heavy footsteps have been heard to emanate from the museum when it has been known to be empty. Faces looking out of the windows in the rear of the building have also been reported late at night.


Fairies Playing around Trees

Location: Colchester; Victoria Road
Type: Fairy
Date / time if known: 1960's
Further comments: An inhabitant of the road watched a group of fairies dancing around an old tree trunk.



Location: Colchester; Mill Street
Type: SHC
Date / time if known: 19 February 1888
Further comments: The body of a soldier was discovered in a hay loft, the majority of his corpse charred by fire, but the surrounding area untouched by the flames. His legs and boots were also undamaged.


Mysterious Noises

Location: Colchester; Hostel of the Good Shepherd, East Hill
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: 1970's onwards
Further comments: Footsteps and shuffling sounds have been heard coming from empty rooms in the hostel, and although an exorcism has been carried out at the sight, the sounds are still heard.

Footsteps, Rapping and Choir

Location: Colchester; Wilson Marriage Community Centre
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: Late twentieth century
Further comments: Hospital radio staff based at the centre have often heard a choir singing, footsteps running across the loft, and a voice that seems to call out the listener's name.

James Parnell, Quaker Martyr

Location: Colchester; Colchester Castle
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: 1656 onwards
Further comments: Dying in captivity in 1656, Parnell was forced to climb a rope each time he wished to eat. He fell to his death in May of that year, and now haunts the dungeon.


Faceless White Lady wearing Perfume on Staircase

Location: Colchester; East Lodge
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: Unknown
Further comments: There is little to suggest who this white lady is, but those who have witnessed her have been in shock for some time afterwards. The accompanying smell of perfume is said to be very strong.


Invisible Assailant

Location: Colchester; Barracks
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: April 1911, nights
Further comments: On different occasions, 3 soldiers were struck unconscious by an unknown force.

Dark Smiling Figure

Location: Colchester; St. Botolph's Priory
Type: Post-Mortem Manifestation
Date / time if known: 1993
Further comments: A young girl reported that while playing with her friends around the gravestones, she saw a dark figure by a tomb that smiled at her before disappearing into thin air.


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