Essex Hauntings


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These are reports we recieve from Paranormal Investigators, who have spent time at locations on our site.

19 Ellis Road
Submitted by Edward Hardy 1/6/02:-
I am a Paranormal Investigator and done an investigation here some time ago, what I saw and heard in that house was nothing but pure evil.
One of my team was seriously injured in the room where the little girl is known to haunt, he got an ornament thrown at his face.
Halfway through the night we attempted a Ouija Board, this produced dramatic results, Windows were smashing, and very heavy footsteps were heard tramping around upstairs.
Then if that wasn't enough we heard a very deep and evil noise come from the front-room we packed our things and were out in no time!.
Afterwards, one of the crew swore to have seen a lady in a dress. I saw and heard things there but do not want to go into too much detail what I saw is too bad and evil to post on the Internet. I feel it is unapropriate as some people may be affected be these stories.
To wrap things up I would advise anyone not to mess around with the occult in that house, or anywhere in that fact.
Submitted by John Quinn 28/10/02 :-
I done an investigation here during the eighties' when this house was quite well-known for its hauntings.
We experienced a hell of a lot of poltergeist activity, with doors slamming on their own for no apparant reason, loud bangs, and deep breathing was heard by 3 witnesses in the upstairs front room.
We conducted a seance with a medium we had brought along, she picked up the spirit of an elderly man describing to us how this had been "his house" and how he had put so much effort into putting it the "way he wanted it to be". He also told of his dislike to owners of the house changing things around.
The Medium also picked up on a young girl who was crying, she was saying "Daddy's gone mad, he keeps throwing shouting and hitting me!".
We also have a number of photographs we took, alot of them with orbs on.
Overall, I thought this house was quite spectacular, it had so much activity and I believe it should be investigated further for some truth to be found.

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