Essex Hauntings


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Hadleigh, A little place in the heart of essex here are some spooky facts about it.

Shop Keeper

Location: Hadleigh; the village stores along the High Street, and the route between the shop and the churchyard
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: Twentieth century
Further comments: The little old lady who once ran this shop in the late nineteenth century has been seen both in the shop after hours, and walking from the churchyard where she is buried to the building.

Hostile Presence

Location: Hadleigh; the Old Schools
Type: Poltergeist
Date / time if known: 1950's
Further comments: The 'presence' would appear to be responsible for turning lights on and off, loud bangs, and phantom footfalls along the corridors.

White Lady Who Slaps

Location: Hadleigh; castle ruins
Type: Legend
Date / time if known: Unknown
Further comments: Legend tells of the story of a milkmaid who met a ghost at the castle. The white lady requested that the milkmaid returned the following night, but the girl stayed away. The next day, the white lady hunted down the girl and slapped her for disobedience!


Georgian House

Location: Hadleigh; wood between Leigh-on-Sea and Hadleigh
Type: Environmental Manifestation
Date / time if known: 1946
Further comments: While walking a familiar path, a brother and sister saw a strange Georgian house that they had never seen before. A girl and a dog walked down the driveway, and passed them. The place has never been seen again, neither have the girl or dog.


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