Essex Hauntings


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Maldon, Essex has a fine place but how haunted is it!!!

Misty Female Figure Waiting on Platform Two

Location: Maldon; disused railway station
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: 1950's onwards
Further comments: Reports of this figure go back towards the end of the 1950's. The station is no longer there; it became a public house before being left empty and for sale, but the figure is still seen, making a strange groaning sound as it walks. An icy chill is said to denote her presence.

Rollicking Bill

Location: Maldon; Maldon Marsh
Type: Fairy
Date / time if known: Twilight
Further comments: This fairy fellow has been seen skipping over the marsh.


Footsteps along Hall

Location: Maldon; King's Head
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: Christmas 1946
Further comments: A couple were disturbed as they sent Christmas here, by phantom footsteps outside their room, and a force that held their door closed.


Figure of a Hooded Person

Location: Maldon; Beeleigh Abbey, near Maldon
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: 22 August (reoccurring)
Further comments: Just one of many spooky happenings at Beeleigh Abbey, the ghost of what is believed to be a monk has been observed standing in a corner of the James Room. A poltergeist has also been reported, opening a trapdoor and vibrating beds.

Sir John Gate Wails

Location: Maldon; Beeleigh Abbey, near Maldon
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: 11 (or 22) August (Reoccurring)
Further comments: The 11 August marks the time when Sir John Gate was held prisoner in the house, waiting to be beheaded in 1553. On that date he can be heard screaming and crying though out the building.


Headless Male

Location: Maldon; Beeleigh Abbey, near Maldon
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / time if known: Second Week of August
Further comments: Said to be the ghost of John Gate, who was executed in 1553 for supporting Lady Jane Grey. His wails have also been heard.

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